health certificate: 检疫证书健康证明书健康证书卫生(健康)证书 是证明可供人类食用的出口动物产品、食品等经过卫生检验或检疫合格的证件。适用于肠衣、罐头、冻鱼、冻虾、食品、蛋品、乳制品、蜂蜜等,是对外交货、银行结汇和通关验放的有效证件。卫生检验证书卫生证明书
Example Sentences:
They should ensure that the registrar has issued a certificate of the registrar before a civil celebrant can celebrate their marriage 他们须确保登记官已发出登记官证明书,婚姻监礼人方可为他们主持婚礼。
They should ensure that the registrar has issued a certificate of the registrar before a civil celebrant can celebrate their marriage 他们须确保登记官已发出登记官证明书,婚姻监礼人方可为他们主持婚礼。